Wildstar is going to a Hybrid Free to Play model in August. What are your thoughts?

I'm pretty sure I saw it posted on one of their other accounts (either /u/EDM_God or /u/EDM_God2). However, those accounts seem to be deleted. I could be wrong, but I feel like I've seen it in multiple places.

Either way, if they request it be removed, I'll remove it. Until then, I'm going to assume it is available to the public, as those imgur links aren't private, and they don't contain any information besides someone at the company may have made that much money (because that could very well just be a doctored document).

They just sent links out, and did not ask for confidentiality. They wanted to let the community know things, that go against what the company was planning. If he had said "here is proof that I may have worked for Carbine, please don't share it", I wouldn't speculate publicly on it. That's not the case here. Personally, I've never been a fan of leaks. It sets an expectation, and if that expectation is not met or exceeded, then it causes unintentional negativity.

In fact, they said that he was going to just spam the subreddit with submissions (I cannot pull up his comments as the accounts aren't accessible, but there is discussion of it in modmail between him and a previous mod). While usually I would contact the reddit admins about a threat like that, this thread was made while I was away and has taken off. I don't want to censor the discussion, but I also want them to realize that making threats just to be obnoxious does have consequences. In this instance, them not being specific, and sending their information willy-nilly, without specifying it's purpose and what they do or do not done with it.

So again, if they want it removed, I'll remove it, but the sloppiness at which it was presented, without any specification, makes me think they didn't care about it being confidential.

/r/WildStar Thread Parent