With The Launch of WoW's Token, How Will Wildstar Keep Up?

I understand your feelings towards my post and I agree. No one who wants to accomplish something should be writing like that and I should've picked some other words. But that'd be if I wanted to accomplish something.

I've been on this sub long enough to know that skilliard4 is a god damn troll, and (apparently) the mods also don't give a flying duck about what is being written here. So yea I don't even know why I wrote that comment in the first place and I don't even know why I'm answering to you.

Oh wait I remember, it's because I'm at least trying to fight off the disease that skilliard4 is. The problem with Wildstar IS NOT the payment model. And the population issue is also not the main issue, it's just a side effect of other things that happened in the PAST. The REAL ISSUE NOWADAYS is the negativity which is being spread, about the game, all over the Internet. Despise of the effort that the dev's are putting into the fixes of past problems and future content and all the other players that are trying to help the game by bringing in constructive criticism. But no, all that people like skilliard4 do is keep spreading this negativity and just like a disease it's infesting other people and it starts to make me sick.

Those are just my two cents. But hey, after all this is the Internet. It's the place where no one gives a shit about someone's opinion. It's a paradise for trolls and there's nothing you or I can do but speak up and hope to be heard by mods or a larger group of people who feel the way you do. And sometimes it takes some drastic measures, just see my previous comment a desperate cry.

If I don't even try to speak up I might as well just unsub and keep playing the game and enjoy it (as I did since day one for anyone who cares) and hope things magically fix themselves. But as we all know that won't happen ;)

Anyways, if I offended you in some way I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention.

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