Will you describe your drinking patterns?

I am an on and off heavy drinker due to my profession. There is hope that it will not be so mercurial soon. Hope. In the meantime..

On an average week night where alcohol is involved, three drinks before 9pm will not impair me the following day assuming my caffeine consumption has been below 800mg ish. For some reason, the fourth drink will have a tiny lingering moment of body aches/whatever the next day and come dinner time I feel a little more shitty than usual. If I slam three drinks between 8 and 9 it's usually not great, but sometimes not a big deal, so the number isn't magic. 600mg ibuprofen will often alleviate the body shit if it's minor.

I'm your age and from your post I can relay some relevant experience. My room mates like to drink a loooot, but I can out drink them x4 (fucking literally) for immediate effect and have less of a hangover the next day. The day after is because of noots, but that's a path that really requires personal exploration. Look at a labdoor approved multi, electrolytic drinks, racetams, and a half dose of agmatine. It revolves around a well constructed diet. My x4 superliver is a result of my mk 677 and ostarine cycles. Not sure if the RAD140 is playing into it. I've been off and on for two years, it definitely gives me the drinking body of a teenager.

With noots and a hangover there's this sensation of having an elephant shit inside your head but you somehow can function better than the average bitch. You just have to overlook the feeling of literal shit inside your head and get to work without being a douche.

I've responsibly combined some sleep aids (dph/doxylamine) with no ill effect. Mid night wakeups are a sign of improper drinking habits so do right.

If you or anyone has any questions about this feel free to ask. Harm reduction is key here.

/r/Nootropics Thread