With Clinton now tied to three federal investigations by the State Department and FBI, buyer's remorse must be growing amongst the Democrat establishment who have gone out of their way to rig the nominating process in her favor.

If Hilary gets charged with a single solitary crime before the election, I will too. The idea that the DOJ is closing in on her is bullshit. The DNC also wouldn't sit on their asses, you would have a half dozen dems that aren't sanders running right now. The presidency is bigger than just the candidate, it can also effect who controls the house and senate. The DNC wouldn't just go "oh well" I guess we will just go with sanders once Hilary is arrested, nothing we can do.. we picked her back in 2008 to run this year and not a damn thing we can do..

Hey maybe they will finally find that stand down order in her emails designed to help Obama win the election because... wait why do the gop say the imaginary stand down order would help Obama? there was some diabolical plan about letting people die got him more votes.. or something.

anyways its fucking hilarious to see reddit, who used to make fun of all this shit. Who 6 months ago, would have posted his guys quote as hilarious lies. But now sanders is running, are posting right wingers quotes as if they suddenly became honest about everything.. and are even posting shit like the American thinker and treating it like its credible.

hey in a couple days, I'm going to vote for sanders. hes pretty awesome. But posting republican garbage and and thinking Hilary will magically go down, so we can have a sanders is totally retarded. Its not going to happen. Yall want a sanders, yall are going to have to vote in huge numbers to overcome the super delegates. PERIOD. There will be no DOJ savior for sanders supporters. that's a republican wet dream(hey mine too but the point is it is based on utter bullshit and anyone with a brain can see that. Hilary isn't scared in the least over the investigation, nor is the DNC)

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - npr.org