Without Release of Video, Police Shooting of White Driver Gets Less Publicity

Honestly I think there is a media agenda to push a race war narrative in the US. Because there is no national white identity. The closest you will ever get to a white racial identity in this country is individual European heritage groups like Irish, Italian, Polish, etc. Any attempt to form some kind of white unity group is met with immediate accusations of being a racist white supremacist group no matter the actual intention. That kind of accusation sticks and generates negative news coverage, again regardless of the truth, and so any sane individual drops it. The only people that actually push ahead are the ones that are racist because they don't give a shit, they want attention for their hateful views. Which then gives more credence to this idea that any group focusing on white racial identity is a white supremacist group, because the only ones out there are just that.

Seriously, think about what the reaction would be if a White Lives Matter group formed specifically in reaction to cases like this.

I'm not sitting here bemoaning the plight of white people, to be honest I don't give a fuck about having some national race identity. I'm just saying there is no sense of unity in the white community of America, as there is with the black community, and that's why you don't have people out there organizing shit. It's not because white people don't care. It's because there's no sense that of one of us has been attacked, because there is no us. He's just another victim of police brutality, in the same way all the black victims are.

And so for the media there is no point in publicizing cases like this because they know it's not gonna lead to protests or riots, it's not gonna bring the same amount of attention and clicks and views. So they don't give a shit. Seriously, if you look hard enough you can see CNN's boner when a black kid gets killed. It's disgusting because it's a horrifying issue that media thrives on, not because they want to help, because they want more news from it. And I'm not saying that the Times specifically is doing this, like you said this is a NYT article.

But look at the news coverage surrounding any protest in this country, you have an insane amount of news coverage on it, you have reporters in the heat of it dressed like they're in a combat zone. They egg it on.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com