Woman cutting her birthday cake in Tehran, Iran 1973

yea, I didn't say there weren't problems prior to the US and Russia existing. To our knowledge, since the end of WWII we've been living in the most peaceful times in recorded history.. Figured I didn't need to clarify there were problems before and will most certainly be problems after.. It doesn't change the facts of here and now that A LOT of the worlds problems stem from the cold war. These are facts.

Doesn't really work that way.

Yes, it works that way when an organization created in part to snuff out communism and promote western ideals has it's hands in every corner of the world. Take that and multiply it by several other countries, some of which have multiple organizations who are so compartmentalized they're actively working against eachother but have their checks signed by the same person.

You don't need to know all the details to know superpowers fighting eachother through shadow wars in small countries around the world is and has been causing major issues for half a century..

Thanks for dense and taking my comment at face value. again, didn't think I had to clarify there was, always has been, and always will be problems in the world.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com