"Woman’s Solo Hiking Trip Shockingly Doesn’t Have To Do With Inner Journey Or Anything"

Have you hiked the trail? I am super-left and super supportive of absolutely everyone, but I read this article very differently before I hiked it as compared to after.

Before, I felt it was inflammatorily written but there was likely some truth in there, and I was nervous what sort of folk I'd find on the trail.

After hiking, frankly I think it's all just someone processing their own confused issues and emotions and expectations, and not expressing it very well. She seems to be projecting problems everywhere, turning imagined slights into major issues. Lots of opinions stated as facts. Lacked the ability to see the obvious intention behind small talk. Antagonistic and (ironically) super judgmental.

I wish her all the best in the world! But I also saw many many many awesome people on the PCT, and to judge them as a community like she did is super unnecessary and frankly ridiculous...

/r/PacificCrestTrail Thread Parent Link - local.theonion.com