Women who got boob jobs, how satisfied were you with the results?

Thank you for taking the time to respond!

I was in a moderate amount of pain for a few days after. It takes a long time to feel normal chest wise if you ever do.

Seems to match what I'm hearing from most women.

Completely honest response: most guys just don't care unless you are really large. If you go ridiculous then you are viewed as trashy. I have a few friends that had theirs done and they went way bigger. They said they started attracting some perverts. The guys who care either tell you they don't like fake boobs or are really superficial and love them. You don't want to end up with the latter. You may be gawked at in a bikini but it gets old after awhile and if you are getting a lot of attention the women around become nasty and rude.

Thanks! That's what I wanted to hear.

I'm only trying to go up two cup sizes, so I shouldn't have a problem.

I was in between an a and a b cup. I went to a full c. I was 23, unfortunately I grew to a d a few years later and after having a baby I am now a triple d. It's really rough on my back. A good doctor will tell you to go no bigger then 2 sizes. It looked fine for my body type as a size c.

I hadn't thought about that.

I'm pretty sure mine have stopped growing at this point but I'll definitely keep that in mind.

They don't look fake now. They didn't look fake when I got them unless I was naked. Even then it wasn't a bad look. It takes a few months for your skin to stretch out for you to look really soft. Your nipples are part of that skin. They will get bigger.

That's good to know.

It seems like most women can get a realistic look if they only go up one or two cup sizes.

They have never felt normal to me. Never. I always feel them under my muscle. I miss not feeling them. I really miss feeling the way I did before. I plan on getting them removed in the next few years, unfortunately the surgery to get them out and lift your breasts back up is much harsher and more expensive. They don't last forever anyways. I honestly wish I never got them.

I'm sorry you feel that way :(

Do you know if that's just because they're saline?

Most women with silicone ones don't seem to be having this problem.

/r/AskReddit Thread