Women who used to be attracted to emotionally unavailable partners, but are now attracted to stable, open, healthy partners: How did you do it?

I'm not going after guys that I find attractive anymore

I literally did this. I made a list of the qualities I thought (in my brain) were good in a partner. I then proceeded to go on what, 3? 4? dates a week and would only follow up on a second date if they demonstrated some of those qualities on date 1. I did this for about 4 months. Like a job search. Whenever my heart fluttered, I ignored it.

On the 4th month, I met this one guy. He checked enough requirements for a second date. and then a third. I ended up seeing him for 2 months and while he seemed great on paper, i didn't really feel anything.

after 2 months he asked for exclusivity. i said not yet because i didn't really feel much for him and while he was great on paper, i was worried there might be a dealbreaker there somewhere that i couldn't see. i mean he wasn't even my type! but it was interesting, because saying no to him made me realize i was scared to lose him.

i pondered on this and examined my feelings for a couple of weeks, and decided that i didn't want this seemingly great guy to go away. so we went exclusive. and then i waited for the other shoe to drop.

it never did. we've been together ever since, and he's literally the nicest, kindest person i've ever met <3

/r/askwomenadvice Thread