I worked my ass off. Saved up. Earned it. And it feels damn good.

Low blow, man. Low blow. Yeah ok so the PC is better than a CD-i.
Look, I'm sorry I've been so aggressive, especially when you haven't been. Most of the messages I got were attacks, so you know how it is when you get in that mode, you're just expecting an argument and are inclined to react argumentatively.
I do love PC classics, I played on PC just as much as consoles through the '90s, if not more. To give you a more level-headed explanation of why PC just isn't for me anymore - Firstly, I've never found clicking on things to constitute engaging gameplay, so that's the majority of PC exclusives out the window. Secondly, I don't play multiplayer, ever. I find it to be a repetitive waste of time that I could be using to explore an entirely new game, so that's the competitive aspect defenestrated (I love that there's a word for that) too. Thirdly, building isn't fun to me. Be it rocketships or castles or cities; it's just not something I enjoy. Nor is trading, or resource management. If a game predominantly involves browsing menus, then it's not a game anymore. I might as well switch on my DVR and flick around for a while; it's the same experience. So a bunch more PC exclusives just lost their appeal.
I'm a SysAdmin/Web Developer with almost 11 years experience, so I'm absolutely capable of building/maintaining a gaming PC if I wanted one, but there's just nothing there for me. I do have a decent one - actually it's a BootCamp'd MacBook from 2012 but the hardware is still very respectable - for playing classics and for the rare times a PC exclusive interests me. But owning every console means I'm guaranteed that I'll get all the types of games I want to play, on time, and optimized for my hardware. I also don't have to waste any time changing settings or dealing with uneven performance, and when you play as many different games as I do in any given week, that's valuable.
I could probably go on, or flesh out some of my points... and I should really read over what I've written before I post it, but I really need to go do some work. I've spent almost the whole day on Reddit.

/r/gaming Thread Parent Link - imgur.com