Working in fast food customer service has made me more prejudiced toward black people

Mixed black person here!

Unfortunately not seeing too many comments from black people here to offer an alternative perspective so I figured I could chime in. First off, I totally totally understand this and I understand why you have the perspective you do (100% sure I would too). That said, I don’t believe a great rebuff to this perspective is “not every black person is like that.” Why isn’t that a great argument? Because that could essentially just be conveying that 9/10 black people are illiterate, rude, and arrogant people — when that’s not the issue at all.

I’ve moved around the country quite a lot, and I’ve also been to 49/50 states(frikin Alaska), so I feel that I’ve gotten to really see different cultures and attitudes at least within the U.S.. I’m not sure where you’re located, but could a big issue with what you’re experiencing be that your sample is heavily influenced by conditions?

For example, if you live somewhere where the black community is mostly poor and uneducated, you’re going to interact with mostly poor and uneducated black people. Similarly, poor and uneducated black people are very likely to visit a fast-food location.

My alternative rebuttal whenever this conversation comes up (which is very frequently) is that you CANNOT confuse a people with a culture. Being black does not mean you’ll be a certain way, being brought up in black culture does. And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with race. Everywhere I’ve been, the racial boundaries have been entirely defined by culture. So the black people are not behaving in such a way because they’re black, but because they’ve adopted a culture that defines them in such a way.

Many of the black people I’ve met are extremely proud of their culture, and there’s a lot to be proud of! But this means there’s a very slow expulsion of the negative elements of the culture that were ingrained after centuries of oppression and systemic poverty.

In these cases the issue is not that some PEOPLE act one way and some act a different way, it’s that certain AREAS have adopted a toxic culture while others have removed this toxicity.

Just what I’ve deduced to the best of my abilities from what I’ve observed thus far.

/r/confessions Thread