Would you support Rachel Dolezal if she claimed natal black people were privileged over her?

Not unwillingness. Unfeasibility. I can walk around and tell people I'm a male transwoman as much as a non-passing transman can say he's male and it's not going to make a lick of difference as to whether I experience female oppression. That you imagine that females can just say "respect me, I'm male" is a hilariously male take on female oppression. Seriously, only a male could ever say that with a straight face.

That's funny, because that's a GC staple; that even fully passing transwomen can just say "Oh I used to be male" and people will treat them as male.
Could it be that your compatriots are all men then? :-)

Most transwomen are faaaaarrrrrrr from "passing". Whatever the majority of you experience is in no way "misogyny" the way females experience it. It is oppression based on being gender non-conforming males. Yes, that is oppression. No, it is not female oppression. You can opt out of it if you were to stop voluntarily performing femininity. I can not opt out of having a female body or my lifetime of female socialization. As a female if I stop performing femininity (or continue performing it, and claim to be a "transwoman"), I am still obviously female. The government, the medical establishment, and the rest of society will still treat me as such. The only way I can figure this is so hard to understand, is that transwomen have such an extremely warped view of the idea of "passing" and the idea that you can lie about your sex and other people will believe you.

Ah, the old 'bad toupé' fallacy. Wondered when you'd bring out that antique.
I especially like this part though:

Most people are lying through their teeth when they pretend to go along with the idea that someone is the opposite sex, because they don't want to hurt feelings, not because they actually believe it.

Yes, the world has suddenly become a place where people are so nice to trans women.
That's why one trans woman can get Stirling service from a store rep and then another can get the police called on them by the same person.

Just because a transwoman can opt into oppression by adopting certain outfits, does not mean a female human can opt out of being a female human. These are on different levels of "material basis of oppression".

Oh, but a trans woman can just 'opt out' can she? She can blow her nose real hard and reverse the effects of surgery and hormones?
Fucking LOL.

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