[WP] You have the ability to talk to your future self in your dreams, and you use it to try and benefit yourself in the present. Only problem is that your future self is a huge asshole.


It was two weeks ago that I saw the news. There's a bunch of kids who saw a body in a little bookstore by the beach-side. The body had already passed a few days before it was discovered. The news said that the man lived alone and spent his days alone, decades in that little bookshop that barely gets any customers. He was unapproachable but people always saw him staring at the sea. I felt pain like never before as I saw the name. It's a name that I think of whenever my head hits the pillow at night.

Alone. A memory from decades ago haunt me, his face full of smiles as he's surrounded by people who would one day betray him. I will offer everything I have just for a chance to make him happy again. He was alone like me.

Yet it happened. How could I forget how I came into my fortune from decades ago? I still remember how my future self committed suicide the moment she discovered that my fortune won't affect her at all. "Hey kid, wanna get rich?" I gave her the wrong numbers. She doesn't deserve it. She'll abandon her love and try to forget. She won't make his life easier out of spite... simply because he doesn't love her back. 'It's not like I really tried anyway, not after the years when we first met."

Then again, what does his happiness have anything to do with me now? It's not a loop, darling.

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