[WP] You are able to see but not alter the past, through a form of limited time travel. You observe a major geological event from prehistoric times, and the scientists all had it very, very wrong...

[WP]10 years ago WWIII was brought forth between Russia, North Korea, America and Australia. The countries present leaders decide to play a round of golf to decide who wins WWIII.

I felt myself lean back into the cushioned seat of the Isolated Temporal Event Monitor (I.T.E.M.) and began to allow my mind to mesh with the controls. Being only the third time that I, or anyone else, for that matter have used the device the neural interface was still a bit much to absorb. The first time I'd powered I.T.E.M. online I hadn't gone more than 15 seconds into the past, and only watched myself finishing the boot process for the device and coming online.

The second time was a bit more exciting. Well, about a million times more exciting. Being a child of the 60's, what greater mystery is there than who shot JFK? It took about 3 hours of setting and checking the view location before I was able to hone in on the shooter. Shooters*, really. A few Secret Servicemen on the roof of the Texas School Book Depository took the shot after receiving the go ahead via phone from Vice President Johnson. After the shot was taken they rushed downstairs and the rest is history. I don't know the social or cultural stigma this discovery will unleash on the American people, but I'll leave the announcement of this to whoever becomes assigned with the I.T.E.M. after I finish testing it.

This third trip is a going to be a doozy. The limits on what I can view need to be tested and I've always had a propensity of jumping into water without checking the temperature. I close my eyes and focus on going back further than recorded history. Further than the last Ice Age. Further. Further.

Finally I feel some resistance to my Time Skipping, about as much as you'd feel from an overwound watch. A gradual pressure built in my head as I neared the end of time. I slowed down but didn't stop. The pressure kept building but there's no way I could stop now. A brilliant flash of light erupted and pulsed several times. According to the neural reader lasted this went on for 67 years. Slowly the flash drew down to a pinhole of light, then faded completely. I stopped the I.T.E.M. with a thought. The pressure in my head was becoming neigh unbearable. I felt my body starting to convulse through the readout equipped to the I.T.E.M. I was starting to seize, but there's no way I can miss this.

As I began to isolate my thoughts from my body, ignoring the emergency beep that was signaling my body was dying, I initiated the start viewing sequence and immediately a voice began to reverberate throughout my conscious thoughts, shaking my very core. Shaking my soul.

"HOLY SHIT I DROPPED MY NOKIA!" the disembodied voice cried as the brilliant flash of the Big Bang carried me away into nothing.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread