[WP]You are a seasoned dungeon master, tell the story of the best campaign you have ever hosted.

Finding a good group can be a challenge in itself. Sometimes you find the people but the people lack the wit to have campaigns that go beyond scripted events. Sometimes the folk you find are more concerned with conversation outside of the scope of the game at hand. Once in a blue moon though you find a group of like minded persons who can think on their feet and give life to the "campaign guide".

    After months of casting about we stumble on our goal in the most unlikely of places.  Little to go on beyond the vague ramblings of an ancient man in his dotage, and of course this accursed document that plagued us with its near undecipherable glyphs. Were any of this to be true and our suppositions are spot on the overhanging doom of us all would be prevented.

This brothel had been here for hundreds of years, yet the hallowed ground beneath predates it by eons.  The Neighbor's Daughter was known for its class, low, and its ale, decent. It was not known for its catacombs. Only after much bribery and other knavery were we able to find that there was an entrance.       

Hours turned into days and still we wandered these vast catacombs, thanks to the foresightful magus in our party we knew at least that we were steadily going deeper.  At times we came across other travelers from quite long ago. Hard to tell in most cases what caused their death but we have come across a myriad of traps and an occasional weapon lodged in the bones.  

Now we become worried. Our rations are almost depleted and our magus seems to be suffering some sort of mental attack that is increasing in amplitude.  We are committed though as to go back is near certain death to lack of water.   The tunnels we had been following for the last day or so had been quite rough wooden affairs.  What loomed in front of us, and led to this break, was of such immensity that would could do naught but sit down.  

The tunnel dropped off into a chasm that we could not see the bottom of. Our magus dropped a flare of sorts and we lost sight of the light before it hit.  What we had avoided looking at, almost refused to accept its existence was right in front of us.  Across this gap, maybe 200 meters away, was a carved edifice of staggering sizes.  There is nothing we can compare it too. Stretching into the distance both above and below. The how is beyond our ken, so intense the spectacle none spoke for many minutes. 

The magus still won't speak. He has been sitting in the same spot without moving for over a day now.  Our food is gone and we have only sips of water left. Something needs to happen and nothing we have will get us across that span. That was why we brought the magus after all, for these situations.  

Shortly after awaking we notice the magus is now standing at the very edge of the drop.  No one had seen him move, nor would he answer to hails now.  Minutes pass and we grow more panicked by the moment.  Utter silence save our breathing, one moment there is nothing before us but empty air and  the godthing across the way. Then the bridge appeared. Not all at once, gradually fading into existence. Once it was solid the magus started sprinting across. We were not so anxious but also crossed. We debated the other option the of going down. The 4 of us stood there for some time after it was broached all looking down, then across.  Finally, one by one, we walked across. 
/r/WritingPrompts Thread