[WP] A child purchases a pair of X-Ray glasses from an ad on the back of his comic book! The child discovers they do a lot more than see through walls.

It was an ordinary morning, to what, under any other circumstances, would be an ordinary day. But today was not an ordinary day, It was anything but that. Today was the day that Timothy Randolph was getting the package he ordered. 

Timothy was in his bedroom, still asleep tucked under his *Flex Man* bed sheets, having fought off his parents attempts at waking him up. POP. A noise exploded through his open window. Timothy sprung up immediately to see what had made the noise. He ran over to his window and leaned out. SCREECH. A delivery truck was turning out of his driveway. “Weird” Timothy thought to himself, “Mom and Dad rarely get anything delivered.”  He was stumbling his way back to his bed when all of the sudden, a feeling of excitement shot through his whole body. Of course, how could he have forgotten. It was nearly three weeks ago but now he could clearly remember. The small peace of paper he had torn from the cover of the *Flex Man vs. The Alien Empire* comic book. He could remember nearly every word it said. 

“Brand New! These X-ray Goggles will let you see through the thickest of walls! They come in four different colors. Ocean blue, raspberry red, slime green, and black. Only $4.99 plus shipping and handling.

Of course Timothy chose 'slime green', what kind of person would want 'raspberry red' x-ray goggles? But he didn't remember one thing that torn peace of paper said. Perhaps the most important thing.

“Your results may very. Some unexplained abilities have been found in people who are wearing these goggles. USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION!”

Timothy thorough on his shirt and rushed down the stairs. “Hi Mom. Good morning Dad.” he yelled as he rushed past his parents in route for the door.  He reached for the door locks, and twisted the handle. When he swung the door open and looked at the stoop...there was nothing there. Could he have imagined the delivery truck? “Impossible” he thought “It's got to be here somewhere.” “Timothy, there's a package here for you.” yelled his mom from the breakfast table.  He quickly sprinted back towards his parents. He stopped in front of his mom with a sliding break. She reached out and handed him a small wrinkled envelope. 

“This can't be it” Timothy thought disappointed as he slowly tore open the envelope. He was mistaken, it was them. It was definitely them. His own slime green X-ray goggles. “But, they look just like swimming goggles” Timothy thought. “It must be so that know one can tell what these goggles really are.”

It was the moment of truth, all of his allowance had gone into these goggles. Timothy slid the strap around the back of his head. He slowly pulled the goggles down over his eyes. Nothing. Well, his hair felt like it was being pulled from the strap but that was all. 

Right when he went to pull the fake, worthless goggles off of his head he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Words, sentences, just floating there above his fathers head. Timothy squinted to read them. “It's going to be another long day at work” spelled out the letters above his fathers head. “Dad!” Timothy screamed. The words quickly changed to say “Oh, what is it now?”. Timothy's dad glanced over at him. “What is it Tim?”. Timothy quickly turned to look at his mother. The words were above her head too. Except those words said “Dinner, dinner, dinner; That's all they ever ask me 'What's for dinner?'” 

“I can see what your thinking.” Timothy said sincerely. “You can see what?” said his father. The words had changed again. “Your thoughts, I can see them!”. “Stop fooling around, it's too early for this.” Timothy's dad muttered. “But I can see...” “Wake up and smell the bacon, Tim. There are no super powers in the real world. Wake up Tim. Wake up!” 

Timothy sat up forcefully. “It's time to get out of bed.” Timothy's dad yelled. “There's a package for you. I think it's those goggles you ordered.” 
/r/WritingPrompts Thread