[WP] Mankind has succesfully deleted every trace of the year 2016. You, a historian in the year 2416 begin to wonder why there are no records of the year 2016 ever happening. When you begin to investigate, what you uncover, sends chills down your spine.

It’s all gone. A void in time, even a Google DeepWeb search brings up nothing. Nothing. It’s as if the world ended in 2016. All evidence of it, records, pictures YouTube videos. Gone without a trace. When asked, all my colleagues gave me blank stares and vague answers.

“Maybe the data chip was stolen,”

“Maybe there was a fire in The Brain…”

“Why would you ask?”

They were clearly hiding something. Even official government historian can’t give me a straight answer.

“Mr Turner, I’m afraid you’re wasting your time with this pursuit, so I suggest that you abandon it in favour of more…fruitful ventures…” he warned.

Clearly I wasn’t welcome there. We know more about the Stone Ages than what happened in the year 2016. A post searching for answers on Reddit was quickly taken down and my account was terminated. I had the feeling that I wasn’t going to find any answers in the utopias that house Earth’s population, about 100 million in total. The answer to my questions would lie beyond the sheltered bubbles of civilisation. I had to travel beyond the walls. I had to venture in to the Badlands.

“Tucker, you don’t have to come with me,” I say as I stare into the murky distance.

“I know dude, but I want to come with anyway” he says simply. In the pale light of the moon he is visibly shaking. People only journey into the Badlands for two reasons: Relics and as a death sentence. Only the Blue Nets protect us from its unrelenting and vicious sandstorms and radioactive clouds with their crackling bubbles of pure energy.

I take in the pitch black darkness. Below us is a 3 meter drop into the sand. The moon sits high, casting about its pale light in the star-less sky as I look at my best friend. I am putting both our lives on the line and if he gets hurt it’ll be all my fault. But I know Tucker, he’d never leave me and I him. In my Radi-Hazard suit I can feel that small, subtle gnawing of radioactivity. I want to turn back, to go back to my life and forget about it but Tucker and I have spent our entire lives chasing the truth and it was too late to turn back now anyway.

“Well be fine Tucker,” I smile wanly, “well be in and out quickly. It’ll be over before you know it.” 

“T-Thats what she s-said,” he stutters out, before flashing his trademark lop-sided grin, although this one feels hollow.

“Now or never then.”

“Now or never, Ladies first then.”

He gives me a nod and I steel myself. I took a deep breath and we jump the Blue Net and billowing darkness rushes up to greet us. I land awkwardly but correct my balance quickly. Looming out of the swirling dust and darkness looms a giant sign. I hear Tucker’s sharp intake of breath behind me as we both realise what it reads.

“Trump for president 2016”
/r/WritingPrompts Thread