[WP] In order to get people more interested in politics, the US government hosts a "Dictator for a Day" raffle. Congratulations, you have just won.

"You have won," my friends cheered when we were sitting in the bar.

"You are dictator for the day." I couldn't believe eyes. My head was spinning. It was all happening to fast. Now everything belonged to me, If I wanted I could make up new vocabulary. "Hey you don't you flibfallbber all the booze. save some for me," or even, "Sorry to break it to you, everyone in this bar can no longer use the restroom, Thats right go piss in your pants." I couldn't believe it. Frankly I was flabbergasted. Oh and this is the best part no one could do anything about it, because in the next few seconds a swat team broke the ceiling wall and came to "rescue me" in their chopper. Oh wait my mistake, let me rephrase , my chopper.

Everything was going perfecto and yes english teacher I can say perfecto cause now I am a dictator. Sorry I am the goddamn dictator. Back onto the story, immediately after the swat team escorted me to the black house. Yes I renamed the white house to the black house. Who named it the white house anyway, racist pricks. I decided to abuse my powers even more. I made my self comfortable by shoving all the papers off of the president's desk and I sat down to simply call the CIA so they could get me tea. Did you know the CIA has a cellular number. Whoever knew. Wait going to change that last bit, I actually called the president who is now my butler to call the CIA. Oh those words could never be more sweet.

Going back to the story. After I made myself comfortable, I decided America needed some major changes. For starters, I needed all schools to be closed down. I couldn't have anymore students be smarter than me. Ya and if I wanted this thing to work, I had to be the smartest. Second, I decided to amend the amendments lol. I didn't actually amend them, I kind of just asked the CIA to burn the bill of rights in a bonfire and simply watched as most Americans freedom burned away. Quite toasty actually. Not to mention a great experience, I would recommend you try it. After watching justice burn away from the grasps of Americans, I began to draft my own amendments. Here they are:

Amendment 1: Thou shall all love the Dictator.

Amendment 2: Thou shall never rebel.

Amendment 3: Thou shall do as the Dictator pleases.

Amendment 4: Thou shall refrain from using the word thou.

Amendment 5: Thou shall donate all liberties to serve the Dictator.

Amendment 6: Thou shall remain illiterate.

Oh how much I loved this dictator for the day thing. Granted it was cruel. But please it was bound to happen anyway. After creating my own amendments and smoking a couple of cubans, I noticed something peculiar.... My glass was empty. Goddamn the president, not only does he have difficulty controlling a country but he can't fill my glass in time with a good chardonnay. I guess I had to do it myself. I slowly walked into the kitchen and poured in some chardonnay into my glass. After I purposefully spilling my drink to get the president to clean it up. I looked through the clear glass pane window. I couldn't help but notice people were chanting, "Off with his head" and holding signs that said "Freedom". Was I really that bad of a dictator? I didn't want to wait to find out. As I began to turn my head, a 7.62 x 39 bullet, possibly from an AK-47 pierced through my skull. "You've just been terminated Stalin," the voice said.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread