[WP] A pregnant teenager and/or teen mother's experiences during the zombie apocalypse.

"Oh my gawd, could you like be any more useless?” Alice was not listening for a response “I said I wanted dill pickles, not sweet pickles. And what about that ice cream?" “There is no ice-cream” replied Mitch, exacerbated “Remember, the whole no power thing? And sweet pickles were all I could find, things are getting pretty picked over out there. I think we have to get serious about rationing to survive long term." Alice rolled her eyes. He was always going on about this survival crap, as if watching a couple seasons of the Walking Dead made him such an expert. Besides these zombies were a piece of cake, bleeting like sheep to let you know they were coming. She wasn’t going to let him be in charge, baby daddy or not (and who could say for sure really). “Ya you're right, I think we do need some changes." She retorted "For one you need to start caring about me more. Just because there aren’t any other men out there doesn’t mean I have to be with you.” Her voice began to rise. “Shhhh…Could you keep it down, you’ll get them into the hallway again." “Oh yeah, and then you could feel like a big man, saving me?” She loudly mocked “Oh please Mitchell, you’re so brave and handsome, save me from these scary flesh eating zombies that walk like my grandma. What woul-” But she was cut off as the kicking started again and doubled her over. Why hadn’t this thing popped out yet? Not that she was looking forward to having to give birth silently in this apartment, but at least then maybe the cravings and mood swings would stop. She really wasn’t acting like herself. Mitch helped her over to the couch to lie down.


“God dammit, guess they are out in the hallway. I’ll go around and try and draw them back out” He said as he let go of her shoulder and moved towards the fire escape


They were at the door now, but it would hold. It had every other time and now he was already on his way to distract them. Alice saw him disappear out the window as the baby began kicking furiously. She was lucky to have Mitch around, maybe she would be a little nicer when he came back. Maybe even give him a little treat, she had read that that could bring on labour, or maybe it was just from that Friends episode. Either way, that's what she would do, if this baby ever settles down that is.


The sounds faded back down the hallway just as the contractions started. Finally! Wow, they were more painful then she would have thought. Unrelenting even, she needed Mitch now, they had to get the blankets out and start boiling some- But her mind went blank and her hair stood abruptly on end when she heard that muffled noise. This time from much closer.


/r/WritingPrompts Thread