[WP] Write a protagonist who doesn't realize how evil he is.

Pauline sat in the front seat of her beat up old Toyota, her eyes locked on the big white bus as it pulled up. She knew that there would be fallout in this. She knew there was no chance she would ever get out of this alive, but her son was on that bus and she had to get him out. It wasn't his fault he was locked up. It was some little slut that had accused him of rape when she couldn't hold her liquor. And what would happen to her son once he was locked away with all of those other criminals? Did the girl ever think of that? Did she think of Pauline's son being pinned against a wall, beaten to a bloody pulp and maybe even killed? Of course she didn't. Pauline reached up to the medal of St. Michael she kept wrapped around her rear-view mirror and stroked it gently as she thought through what she was about to do. No one ever thought of her son. He was always getting accused of this, and that - just like Pauline was. No one ever tried to view the situation from their side. That was just what you got for coming from a trailer park. People thought you were 'trash'. They assumed the worst. But Pauline wasn't a bad person. She was a good mother.

The doors to the bus swung open and a tall, fat officer with a gun stepped out. He wore a bulky protective vest, something Pauline had not counted on, but she would just have to make due. As he stepped out, another officer appeared from inside the jailhouse. He opened the door and had just began to lock it in place when the prisoners began filing off the bus. Pauline knew it was now or never. Her son was a good boy. He deserved to live. Fuck these pigs. Fuck these criminals. Her boy was good and if it mean she had to gun down a few scumbags to get him out of a dangerous situation, she would do it. After all, she had already taken care of that little slut and her mother at their apartment. It wasn't hard. The gun wasn't as loud as she thought it would be. The woman reached over to the passenger seat and pulled the gun she had bought off her ex husband from a small paper bag. Cocking it back, she shoved the front door open and ducked just beneath the window. Her fingers squeezed the trigger and four loud bangs rang through the small Parking Center.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread