Wreddit's Daily Pro-Wrestling Discussion Thread! What's on your mind today? (Spoilers for all shows) - December 14, 2020 Edition

That definitely plays a big role. But the current boomers have to see it as a problem to fix it, and I'm not certain they do.

We're also reaching roster bloat (mainly on the men's side) soon, at least until the 2nd show materializes, and that has a huge effect on the show too. You'll be fighting with men's roster bloat to just carve out some time for the women's division, and then fighting comparative bloat in the women's division (if they're only doing 1 match per show, sometimes just a squash, it can take a long time to even get back on Dynamite and capitalize on momentum, and you realistically don't need that many workers. Now I think they should have more matches and more women, to be clear, but I'm saying at that level of usage. Fix is easy, use them more) just to get on TV.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent