WTF Is... - Shadow Warrior 2?

Meh, I'm fine with games getting panned for getting way too heavy into the RPG elements when they don't need to. It's becoming a trend that developers are pursuing just because it's a trend, not because it benefits the gameplay. The first shadow warrior reboot was a good fps with good gameplay. That's all you need. Putting half-baked rpg mechanics on top of that is like saying you need to persuade people to stay invested in the game. If the gameplay is good, that's all you really need. If I want to play an rpg, I'll play a game that has well thought out rpg mechanics. Not "lets make a game and then throw a bunch of stats and randomized loot and progress bars on top of it and see what sticks." I actually thought the level of rpg-ness in the new Doom was a bit too much for a game that's supposed to be about pure skill, and that ended up barely even affecting the gameplay beyond a few crucial upgrades, so I can see why this kinda thing that goes all out with the rpg mechanics is just too much.

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