Xbox Twitter teasing Playstation Pro...

Somehow ended up finding you again. Promise I'm not stalking. I feel this is a pretty elitist comment and completely baseless. So because most of the US is rural and has bad internet thanks to poor government regulation someone is not allowed to use modern gaming consoles? Let's ignore that US is currently dealing with an oligarchy running ISP monopolies in every market. Let's add in that there's an increase in markets with data caps (I live in a data cap market) that's continuing to increase. Because of all this and more someone shouldn't be using a modern console? Last I checked one of the reasons the PS4 is in the lead was due to the ones digital and online focus. That's proof that media like discs are very important still. This comment as I mentioned sounds very elitist and even privileged.

Btw I'm primarily a digital user but feel that people should have options. Saying we can't share the wealth because of bad internet is an example of why gamers are considered such a toxic group of people. I honestly expected more from you due to our conversation from earlier. Found myself disappointed by this comment.

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