“Yeah breakups hurt, but have you ever been a super talkative, enthusiastic person but slowly over the years & after trauma after trauma watch yourself become more qui eter and quieter to the point where that enthusiastic bubbly person just isnt who you are anymore?”

Yes, I can relate to this. I'm the oldest of 4 kids. Nmom & dad. They divorced when I was a kid and both remarried. I’m the scapegoat on both sides. In my twenties I used to go out of my way to make sure everyone felt special on birthdays and Christmas. That turned into expectations and judgement if my gifts weren’t always exactly what they wanted, or not expensive enough. When I would go anywhere with any of them I was expected to pay. This became very noticable once all of my siblings were also grown, and nothing was ever reciprocated, just expected. I stopped giving. I think about the sweet, giving girl they destroyed, and it makes me sad. I’m now NC with all of them and am working on finding that girl and reviving her. That is my true nature, they just didn’t deserve me.

/r/CPTSD Thread