Lost Ark changing female outfits isn't really Censorship

Well I'm still hung up on the New World thing even though it's not my fight, not my kinda game. Apparently it was all resolved all is well blah blah. But I'm not happy that it was absolutely not resolved in any way for however long it was and then when Asmon talks about it WEE its all betterrr just an oopsie woopsie. As if CS didn't treat the dude like shit. A dude with ~50k youtube subs. Can't imagine if I were trying to report a bug, an actual nobody.

But this one's just ridiculous. Again, no interest in this game, not my fight, almost certainly like everyone else, as you said. But I don't wanna do disservice to the concept of censorship by talking about clothing being skimpy or realistic. Not with what true censorship (see, China) is actually like and things like Blizz removing lines in game that were fine. And even that I don't care about, it's just stupid mostly.

I hate to pull this card, but this sub is exuding that privilege energy right now. If this is a censorship problem. It's literally just a design/art aesthetic problem. And as long as we're sharing opinions I think it's better for it most of their armor looked like ass. GW2 armor looks way cooler anyway.

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