Yes, the MAGA Hat-Wearing Students Are Teenagers. That Doesn’t Exempt Them From Responsibility.

Yea but they are exempt from childish behavior. It happens. Either they learn from their mistakes as they become an adult or they dont. Irresponsibility is not necessarily a crime. He committed no crime. Is it an assholish thing to do, sure. But thats where it ended. Could it have turned violent? Yes. but it didnt.

Hopefully he understands what he did was inappropriate and childish and learns from this behavior and corrects it. But we should all give this kid a pass on this one. He was egged on because of peer pressure. It happens to most teenagers who are coming of age. We have all done something stupid like this at one point in our lives.

Honestly the dude standing there did not in any way do anything with intent to harm. Sure he invaded the dudes space but the same could be said for riding the subway. Its just because of the context of the closeness is why people are freaking out. The real assholes are the kids in the background screaming build the wall to a bunch of Native Americans. smh

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