Young and paid?

Consultant here. 100k+ a year. I agree with one of the posters above that says it is total bullshit to live in the US and be poor. I studied STEM. Problem is that pussies nowadays go only for the easy majors such as business, finance, arts, phsychology, teaching, etc.... its like they are afraid of maths or analytical careers. Hear me now you bitch ass pussies who are about to enroll in college/uni, go for engineering or science and quit fucking around flipping the coin on wether to major in supply chain or woman studies. Nothing in life is easy, you will sweat your calculus and physics courses, your programming and economics classes, but you will graduate ahead of the curve in terms of marketability of your degree and starting opportunities. Dont you fucking dare say to yourself "its just that I was'nt born good at math" , "I will never understand schrodingers principle and its real life applications".... you fucking learn it all, just as you all shitheads come to this subreddit to learn how to become better versions of yourselves. Same dildo, different pussy.

/r/asktrp Thread