Why is your Ex-friend an Ex-friend?

We thought she was our friend until we realized how manipulative she was. She made us all feel like shit and would make everyone else laugh by poking fun at each of us individually, so we all thought it was good fun with each other until we recognized the hurtful things she was saying as bullying. She also had this crazed drug habit and distinctly thought less of you if you didn't want to keep up with her drug use, and shamed us into taking huge doses of drugs and drinking more than we should have.

We found out after we started growing apart from her that she'd been stealing from us and sexually abusing her roommate and our friend for months. She pushed a couple of my friends into a cigarette habit and flaunted her crazy drug binges like they were fashion accessories, and even went so far as to fish for enough compliments to give some of us body image issues. She started dating this really sweet, genuinely nice guy and made him spiteful.

She went abroad for a semester and we were happy to have her gone, but when she came back she somehow made her way back into our circle of friends. After berating my friends for a while I told them I wasn't going to hang out with them until they stopped hanging out with her. It wasn't until there was an alleged sexual assault between her and her ex-roommate that they realized she hadn't changed. All the while, I'd watched her push everyone to drink and smoke way more than they had while she was gone. They finally cut her out of their lives, though it had been such a long time since I stopped hanging out with them because of her that I haven't really repaired my relationship with my original group of friends since. It's coming back slowly, but I'm clearly no longer part of the group, which was at my own volition in the end.

She is the person who taught me something important though: there are some people—just a few, but they exist—in this world who are genuinely bad people.

/r/AskReddit Thread