In your experience, what has been the major differences across divisions/tiers?

Silver: I swear to god I had forgotten people could complain about KS and afk at minute 1. My experience there has made me stop thinking that people are exaggerating when they claim they got 6 games with trolls in a row. It gets better guys, gold is adorable in that regard I promise!

Gold-Low plat: People are terrified of everything. Someone told them to take games slowly. Every game must get to the 50 minute mark. If you win a fight, it's better to recall for full hp and to buy items with your 1k gold than to take a free turret&a drake.

Sieging turrets is forbidden! Even if the score is 40-4. You will exclusively wander around and get caught a few times until 20 minuets later, where you'll make a baron call and then, somehow, that'll give you the strength to push a turret, because before you just were not ahead enough with your 20-0 adc and 20-0 midlaner.

Mid-High plat: Teamfights end in an ace or nothing. I'v ebeen recently climbing with my smurf, and I've had 30 minutes games that were a constant fight.

You will not take a free 3 for 0, take a drake a turret and go back. No! That is silly and only noobs do that! You have to chase them as 5 until you kill them as the enemy respawns. Leading into an ace and recalling just in time to not die. Or the enemy team killing yours as you chase their 500hp leona through the jungle. But don't worry. They'll also chase that one person in your team that's surviving just for long enoug for you all to respawn and turn it around AGAIN!

Plat I- dia IV: Here's the land of the future LCS players that get unlucky with teammates. I mean, they're diamond, that's cool right?

Here what's important is that you do not agree with your teammates. Working as a team is unnecessary when you're the next faker. And after a fight the next 20 seconds will be spent with half the team pinging a turret as they go there. And the other half pinging baron as they go there.

ADC's cannot do anything other than cancel attacks and moving around awkwardly until EVERYONE in the enemy team is half dead and has used ALL their cooldowns. That's what they call "Positioning". It's a traumatic defense mechanism developed the past 5 times when they walked in melee range of that zed and irelia and suffered what they lack to call "Noob support no peel"

On the other hand. Your malphite needs to do a 5man ult even if the minimum distance between him and another teammate that could followup is of 5000 teemos.

/r/summonerschool Thread