Your gifted $1000 from a friend but told you must invest it all into crypto. What’s your moves?

I think its a GREAT post..........Im all for sharing good insight and information when it comes to investing in good plays.

The objective is to make $$$$$.........

My Mom use to always tell my 5 brothers and I ......... ""

I put $50K into the new coin $RBIF--Robo Inu Finance-- a few weeks ago and it lost a zero today........posts like this allowed me to Share with you because I Care about you </;-}


I initially put $16K into SHIB and now it sits about $180K......I shared that at well back when I did it.....some listened and some didn't

My thought is why NOT share your intel and plays you invest in, if you can make money and help others make money, that's what its all about.

Why be greedy for yourself......share the pie and spread the wealth

Merry Christmas my brotha and many Blessings everyone

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread Parent