In your opinion, what technology feels like it should be more advanced and why isn't it?

What you've done here is basically ignore everything

Well, yeah, when you make claims that Google is throttling all non-Google websites to force people to use Google's advertising platform instead of competitors, I would normally be inclined to ask for a source. But since I know that claim is 100% speculation and not at all true, I'm just saving my time and ignoring it.

Google has been extremely tight lipped as to whether they are making money on their extremely tiny ISP operation. What can be inferred is that they are using their extremely deep pockets to subsidise their efforts.

The logic behind the Google Fiber expansion in limited markets is to coerce Internet Service Providers to give a faster speed to their customers. Let's have some fun and word it in a manner that makes Google sound evil, you seem to like that. It's an aggressive "strong arming" of smaller companies, it's "intimidating" them to spend "extortionist" amounts to upgrade their infrastructure.


The idea is to make other ISPs provide faster service so they can compete with the new demand Google Fiber is introducing. They showed other ISPs can make the same upgrade, and as we saw starting in 2010, many American homes got free speed upgrades just to compete with this emerging market.

Though Google isn't doing this to become the top dog of ISPs. They just wanted to make ISPs improve their services. End result, non-Google ISP customers have significantly faster Internet, meaning faster browsing. And faster browsing means Google distributes more advertisements and collects more user analytics.

It's not some evil "elephant in the room," it's a business strategy to improve their bottom line. End result, our existing ISPs are providing faster Internet speeds in metropolitan areas to accommodate for the "Google Fiber" speeds that are now in demand.

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