Use your words

One day attending self checkout there was a mad rush so all twenty machines were occupied which is more than the two of us can handle.

We're in a busy college town so we're forced to follow the no removal of security tags n boxes until proof of payment is seen policy.

Man and woman are at a machine causing it to lock up more than once because they're not giving thre machine a chance to weigh the shopping after scanning it.

Woman: "Can you remove the bottle security tag?"

Me: "I'm sorry but I'm not allowed until it's paid for."

Women: "Alright."

I resume running around like a lunatic grabbing as many baskets as I can with one hand and fixing errors on the other machines as I rush past and the couple have not finished their purchases yet as I can see them from the corner of my eye the entire time.

It's only been about 15 seconds till I've spoken to them.

Man: "HEY!... Hey!"

I'm still juggling baskets, I can see him holding his bottle and they still haven't paid, but I'm used to customers pretending to listen to me so I'm fine with heading over and repeating myself and apologising. First I need to free my hands before dropping the baskets.

Man: "HEY!" Snap!

The baskets have fallen from my hands to the floor. I turn and face the couple and do the best asshole finger snap impression of him I can muster.

Me: "For THAT I am not helping you."

I walk away but not before asking the other attendant to help them first. I can't even do mean properly.

The woman walks up to me and does that head nod where they lean so close to your name tag committing your name to memory.

Woman: "I'm making a complaint about you!"

Me: "Please do, my name is Raccoon!"

How I still have a job I don't know.

/r/TalesFromRetail Thread