Youtubers and Twitch Streamers who release gamebreaking Exploits to the Public should be Held Accountable

So as a Youtuber with a decent sized channel and one that is definitely not innocent of using any exploits on stream like out of map breaches/Hornet Harming/rehabilitated mask talent, I can maybe talk about the thoughts behind the 'posting a video' about such topics.

First and foremost, the intention IS to raise awereness, not necesarily to the developers, but moreso to the players that want to stay competitive. The thing is, these glitches and exploits are found DAYS before anyone ever posts them online, usually by hardcore PC clans or chinese players.

This was the case with bullet king, this was the case with hornet and the exploit was being done almost a week before I even made a video about it on my channel. I was aware of this exploit almost since the very beginning.

The problem is, is that 99/100 times I, the youtuber, does not find these things out myself and these clans are only willing to show me how things are done if I promise not to even speak about it. They do not want this to be patched or else they will lose their advantage over others. This goes way higher than you think with account selling and even challenge mode and incursion mode carries that ask money per run for people that are undergeared.

When I make a video about these things, and I mentioned this in a glitching video as well '', that is only because the people that found it allow me to.

As a youtuber it is very benificial to stay miles ahead of the rest so you can prepare content and tutorials that people are actually interested in and haven't figured out themselves yet, and breaking the trust by reporting a bug or making a video without their permission to let the community know is not only breaking that promise, but also shooting in my own glasses because next time, they will not tell me things and I will be on the same level as everyone else and therefor not able to make as much informative or helpful videos. With a game like this, the competitive top will always race and the race never stops.

I won't go into too much more details as I believe I have already said too much. I just wanted to let you know that the purpose of these glitching videos are not to get fast clicks, in my eyes It is something I can finally share so that the other players do not fall too far behind the top 0,0001% that pretty much does nothing but searching exploits all day/farming.

I understand that this is not 100% ethical or the most correct way to go about things, very simply put, at the end of the day, I'm not reporting these glitches to give myself an advantage, but when I report them, I make sure to do it public so that anyone else also has at least the opporunity to not fall 2-3 weeks of grinding behind.

/r/thedivision Thread