You've just inherited a billion dollars. What fucked up but legal thing will you do now that you don't need to answer to anyone.?

Are those the types of girls you want to be with? The ones that only care about what you look like?

No, but most girls care about appearances to some extent. Surely you care about appearances too. Physical attraction is an important part of most adult relationships.

If you're clean, dress well, don't look like a pervert, it doesn't matter beyond that.

It can and it tends to do so.

Everything just made a whole lot more sense. You're still very young. The problem is you think your high school is all that matters. It doesn't, and is definitely not an indicator of what people are like on the outside. Even if you don't find someone at college, everyone tends to mellow down in the mid-20s and above.

I don't think it's only my high school that matters. I'm already in university. I don't think it's what matters right now, but I don't see the future being any brighter, either. I don't want to be that guy who can only enter into a relationship because everyone else is lowering their standards. Would you like that? Would you like to feel like an inferior person that's only being accepted because other people aren't being accepted?

Find someone online, then. There's tons of resources these days.

Online appears to be an appropriate option. However, long-distance relationships don't appear to be a very appropriate option right now. I don't think they'll be an appropriate option for a very long time.

You're not going to bring about a change in your life if you're stubborn and don't commit to making a positive change for yourself.

It's not as if I'm trying to put myself in this situation. I do feel like trying, but I often just feel too depressed to do anything. I was making progress this week, but I've fallen off the wagon. I will be trying again as soon as possible, which will probably be within the next few hours. It's not easy, but I'll get there. I still fear that even with a nice personality, good traits, a long list of hobbies and interests, I'll still be hindered by things I can't change.

You were dealt a tough hand. So what?

It doesn't feel nice. I know other people deal with things. I know you deal with things. This isn't the only issue that I have. There are people out there with issues that are probably considered "far worse" than the issues of you and I. However, that doesn't justify those issues being there in the first place.

Surely you've been in a relationship or even had your first kiss? But if you didn't look like what you do now, would you still have had those experiences? If you haven't, then don't you agree that it would be far easier if you were more attractive?

/r/AskReddit Thread