Zuck Says Instagram Is Going to Suck Twice as Much Next Year

Human beings are telepathic, but many men are pretending it’s not real. These are men that see themselves as alpha hating on more honest, friendly guys, and they keep women terrified and in constant fear. 

Alphas judge people for what their bodies look like the most. They judge pain in others. They decide worth and value in others. They judge strength in others they know little about. They focus on hard work, career, and status intensely so they can judge the most. This is because they refuse to be friendly (honest) socially.

Friendly men have a completely different psychology: they question authority in men with very dark, conceited, ice cold personalities that are often bigger in frame. Authoritarians enforce ideas with violence, threats over money (retaliation), social cliques, or anger. When authority is around, complete honesty (love) is not.

No one has authority here (the ability to pass judgments the most). We are spiritual beings connected emotionally and mentally. No one controls thinking or behavior with brawn, money, vibrational threats, anger, or violence. Anyone that sees things a different way is a jealous, fearful, conformist coward. Head strong men question authority (lying and judgments). They do not participate in it. Head strong men participate in friendship (honesty) only. 

Authority IS violence against women. It is absolute disrespect and disregard for female personalities completely. That is WHY it exists socially. Authority leads to murder, rape, mental illness, and violence. Authority is an intentional vibe of anger, jealousy, and resentment directed towards women socially. Authoritarians want women to feel obligated to them only. This is without developing kindness, friendliness, or honesty towards women in any way.

When men conform to authority, they also become authoritarian (jealous criticizers) and reside only in fear. Authoritarian men focus on judgment of women ONLY. Men that are authoritarian (alpha) are completely selfish, and share nothing but dishonesty and dishonor. They look down on themselves completely socially, then judge other people for it. They are resentful towards friendly men that have enough balls to question cruelty (lying, aggression, jealousy, violence, and hate for women). 

Authoritarian men and women are encouraged to look down on those that are the most threatening socially: those that question violence (alpha psychology) completely, and never bullied others in life to gain social status (popularity). These are friendly, nice guys. Friendly and nice is the willingness to remain questioning, honest, spiritual, and sincere.

Men that see themselves as alpha think they have control over ideas socially. They antagonize women vibrationally to have sex with them easier, and focus on showboating and gloating. They hate women in this life completely. These ways of being and thinking need to be questioned: immediately.

Everyone is telepathic and sensitive to love (honesty) and hate (lying) in the mind. No one lies here.

Violent or resentful imbeciles jealous of intelligence (honesty) will always hide behind religion or positions of authority to remain antagonistic. They care too much what other authoritarians think, instead of focusing on love (right and wrong). They are too afraid to speak up for women socially and share love with the opposite sex. They are too afraid to share friendship (honesty) with other men. 

Authoritarians are pussies pretending to be strong socially. They are afraid to be honest and real, so they remain shallow and passive to wrong doing, and indifferent to love (honesty). Instead, they put people down for it. This is jealousy over awareness. They focus on money, career, and status only, not the spiritual. They blame women ONLY for how things are, since that is agreeable with other stuck up pussies (authoritarian men without a spine).

The focus on telepathy (honesty and love) socially is the end of all conformity (lying and bullshit). No one knows about alpha head games socially - the focus on power, money, antagonism, jealousy, and criticisms - so I wrote this to help. 

Everything revolves around telepathy (love), not money and status. Angry (aggressive) minds haven't figured it out yet.



/r/technology Thread Link - gizmodo.com