Why feminists want to be men?

No, feminists don't make fun of stay at home mums. They are scared that that will happen to them. My mother was the main breadwinner in my family and then changed to be a housewife after she had another child. I was old enough when this transition happened that I remember the before and after. It did affect her quite a bit going from making most of the money (my dad had stoped working altogether for a couple years just prior to the trabsition) to making no money at all.

Guys won't say it to your face but if you are basically "living off their income", they won't be entirely happy about it even though just two years before, they were perfectly happy living off your income and not working themselves.

Even if you're not feminist, you just wouldn't want to find yourself in that situation where you can't get out. It's usually circumstance and not an active choice. Even in circumstances where it is an active choice, it depends more on the husband than it does on the wife if they will accept this change in your circumstance.

After some initial protestations, my dad did accept my mum's choice but not all guys are like this and those first few years after the transition were terrible because guts and society in general do not give any credit for child rearing. It's what we're born to do so we should be good at it and if we can't cope, there must be something wrong with us.

/r/AskFeminists Thread