What do you think of this anti feminist MRA's explanation as to why trans women experience the majority of transgender violence?

Masculinity was, in many ways, more flexible in 1910 when all the poets were men and men were encouraged to hug and cuddle with their friends.

Images of masculinity back then were dominatrd by aristocratic men. As the middle class grew the images of the average man gain in prominence. Aristocratic men were allowed to wear what women are only allowed to wear today jewelry,makeup, high heels, and tights. The reason why these men were allowed to wear these things was because their status made it so there usefulness to society was never called into question which theryn believes is ultimately responsible for why effeminate men today are looked down on- " A man who wants to be a women. Is like the most useless man you can find."

Ultimately, feminists have been urging men to follow in our footsteps and break down gender barriers for several decades.

Nearly a century ago feminists allowed women to wear pants and femininists today have even allowed women to wear clothing that shows cleveage in professional office environments despite the fact that we live a judeo-christian society where 23% percent of school teach abstinence only education and yet men still aren't allowed to wear dresses. No they obviously are not putting any real effort.

while I see a lot of MRAs complaining about this issue, they always seem to find a way to justify maintaining the status quo. In fact a lot of them use gendered insults to cut down men that disagree with them and to complain about "feminized" boys.

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