What, if anything, is wrong with Trump's comments towards women?

(a) express the level of her attractiveness on a 1-10 scale

What's so terrible about a scale? Isn't everybody at least using a binary (would/would-not) scale at least subconsciously?

(c) treat her attractiveness as something to be judged as if she were in a competition of some sort, or (d) think about her primarily with respect to her attractiveness,

Yeah, I think these are what strike me as the reasons his remarks seem sleazy. I'm not sure who he was referring to with that remark but it probably wasn't in a context where somebody's looks should matter. That's what Trump does, he says whatever he needs to say to increase his value and knock his opponent down a peg. In the end, he comes out looking like the alpha male, but he didn't get there with a ruthless dedication to policy, he just made fun of people's tits and his simple-minded followers bought his act the whole time.

(e) find her attractiveness significantly influenced by her breast size.

Well, it's kind of hard to deny this is true. Nobody would disagree that a man's attractiveness is influenced by how nice his teeth are. One can argue whether it's a social construct or not but either way it exists.

Now, it's probably not offensive, at least in some circumstances, to say that you find women with large breasts attractive. What is offensive is to treat this as if it were something that everyone thinks. Because not everyone does; specifically, most women don't think this. And it's offensive to anyone when they are excluded from "everyone."

I don't really see what's offensive about this. I'm not trying to be obtuse here, but how could somebody be offended that a solitary man expressed his opinion without a disclaimer that it was his opinion? Hell, even if he got up and said "All men, including me, like big breasted blondes!", what's offensive? I like brunettes, so I know he's wrong (or I'm the odd one out). Okay, so what?

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