What are your thoughts on transwomen competing in sport?

Somewhat tangential in places but I'd appreciate it if you took a few minutes to read this.

Saying this as a young trans person (who read all your other comments in this thread): I agree with you on this point (though I wasn't alive in the 70s), but I'm also really frustrated that this is so many people's perception of all trans people. I'm simultaneously frustrated with the people who are pushing this sort of - admittedly quite anti-feminist - idea into our culture, and I need to point out that it is not even the majority of us. Most of us just keep to ourselves and want nothing more than to live in peace. I'll admit I know very little about what it means to be a woman, but I know that it's not about any of that superficial crap that people say it is.

Speaking for myself, as someone who is, biochemically and anatomically speaking, somewhere in between male and female, I don't consider myself a man anymore (1.5 years of 'average' female hormone levels in my body has changed too much for that word to apply to me anymore), but I don't consider myself a woman yet either. I realize that I'll never be able to be fully female, and this is certainly something that is going to be relevant at some points in my life. I accept that. However, it is going to be almost entirely irrelevant for virtually every aspect of my life. I especially don't think it's anything that deserves disrespect, and considering the amount of disrespect we have been receiving since forever, it's understandable that many would go to the extreme of pushing this idea of 'gender' as it's showing up currently, even if it is ultimately wrong.

As for what it means to be a woman, I honestly don't know yet, but I am slowly learning. There are aspects I will never understand, due to the way my body is, but you might be astonished at how much shared social and physical experience we have, despite the biological differences. Also, you'd be completely wrong if you think there's any male privilege left in how I'm treated - believe me, I have experienced it prior to transitioning and I have experienced the full lack of it, and the difference is nothing short of horrifying.

tl;dr: we're not all rabid, and I speak for many of us when I say we'd really appreciate it if you understood that, though maybe also have some understanding for the crazy ones you're talking about - criticize their ideology all you want, but also know that being trans is an absolutely unreal level of painful and it makes a lot of us crazy.

Obviously feel free to respond. I'm up for a calm debate on this topic if you are.

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