Maybe it's good I was banned?

Look I made a mistake. But I don't think it's good to have mods on a subreddit of vulnerable people who ban users immediately. I need to be able to connect with those people because now I feel even more alone. Banning people so fast who need support can be very harmful to those people. Besides how am I supposed to learn from mistakes when being banned is the immediate response?

I don't have the same understanding socially as most people. I need to be taught about these things. And the only thing banning me does is reinforces my own viewpoint. Instead of being banned it would be much better if the user is sent a message explaining the reason as to why a post or comment is removed first. Then of course if they keep it up then yeah ban them.

Luckily I found another subreddit for support but I think it's dangerous to remove support from vulnerable people

/r/DecidingToBeBetter Thread Parent