328 words P R I O R I T I E S 105 words GOA: Joe Biden Smears Apparent Self-Defender Kyle Rittenhouse 179 words Slowed video of Portland shooting, clearly depicting that the gunman had his gun drawn and aimed before the victim had even raised his arm with the mace. A clear-cut murder. 127 words what /r/liberalgunowners are talking about 127 words Pat McNamara’s Instagram page nuked. 288 words This is backhanded, but, here. 301 words How the focus on firearms makes us ignore the tragic black on black crime problem. 121 words Texas Republican Dennis Bonnen, who bragged about killing constitutional carry, caught in recording scandal. 196 words Because it's not. 157 words VA is a trap. Tread Carefully. 133 words Owner of Hoplite Armor allegedly threatened by cops for criticizing handling of UPS Hostage case 162 words Rep. Bill Hughes (New Jersey Democrat responsible for the 1986 Hughes Amendment) is dead! 171 words Yesterday a man tried to rob someone. That someone was The Reaper, one of America's deadliest snipers Nick Irving. 135 words Beta's AMA is going as well as can be expected 305 words My own personal thoughts on this anti gun post written by some fantasy writer 182 words Next primary rifle for the military 211 words Is most of reddit a Liberal Circle Jerk? 114 words The "Concealed Carry Killers" website inadvertently proves how few murders people with concealed carry permits commit. 229 words This Colorado sheriff is willing to go to jail rather than enforce a proposed gun law 198 words ALERT- Americans exercising their rights!