249 words CMV: Women have no sympathy for men. 210 words (Q4ALL) What are some statements you see often that you just can't believe 663 words What are some things you wish men understood about women/the female experience? 205 words CMV: Unless a guy asks you out directly, he doesn't like you that much 139 words What part of redpillwomen is the 'hard to swallow' part? Here's what I think about the name, and tradition family units. 435 words Why do some men believe that women in the service industry are flirting with them for real? 220 words You people realize incel toxicity is a cry for help, right? 166 words Options other than AF or BB? 541 words Sexual freedom favors women and their lovers 509 words Looking at the current sociocultural build, Prostitution is ought to be encouraged. 241 words Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with. 253 words How can I (F18) have healthy debates with my BF (also 18) re. politics, social issues, etc.? Also, how can I better inform myself? 181 words Distilling my own Pill 224 words What's so special about marriage 428 words The Purpose of Marriage 145 words CMV: While men do cheat, a man would be far less likely than a woman to try to justify their cheating in such a shameless, selfish, pathetic manner as below ("should have been more empathetic towards her internal conflicts and supported her through her journey") 204 words Q4W: Why do women care so much about male dating preferences? 197 words Would you rather have an incel son or a slutty daughter? Why? 123 words CMV: Women don't want children 131 words The redpill should teach men to be more aggressive rather than "self-improvement".