How can I (F18) have healthy debates with my BF (also 18) re. politics, social issues, etc.? Also, how can I better inform myself?

I’m firm in my belief that women still face oppression to some degree.

For example?

I feel like these are important conversations to have in a relationship.

Hell no. Why are you two talking about this stuff? What possible good can come of it?

Where can I get neutral stats and information (if that even exists)?

All information is biased, it's impossible for it not to be. Furthermore, information not fitting the agenda of the financier is not published (obviously), so how would you get it?

How can I open up my mind without compromising myself and my most important beliefs because he won’t change his?

I don't see why you two need to have the same opinions in the first place. Why do you care?

Basically, how do I not look stupid when we inevitably have other l conversations like this?

That's the actual problem. That's why talking about guy stuff with women is a bad idea. It makes you feel bad. So he shouldn't do it. Tell him that you aren't interested in that conversation and could you do something else instead.

Any preferred resources regarding issues, more neural but reliable media outlets, trustworthy stats, politics and social issues for dummies

Almost all of it has been compromised since Trump got into office and/or the idiocracy is in full swing.

If you really care, read text books of hard science publishers, like double-blind studies. Everything else is a load of feel-good bullshit.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread