Women should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with.

This subject came up in reading Don Quixote this morning. Specifically, Chapter 51, a story told by a shepherd. The shepherd is explaining that the woman he loved had another suitor, and so the father decided to let her choose between the two of them. Everyone in the party thought the father made a great choice on this one. She ends up falling in love with a 3rd person, who was described in the book as an arrogant, self-obsessed soldier who lacked depth, but was superficially attractive. He convinces her to steal from her father, then they run away and he robs her blind in turn and leaves her in a cave, where she is found. Don Quixote's companions discuss the situation and decide on the following:

It's right for a woman to be able to choose her own husband, because she will be the one who has to spend her life with him. But, she should only be able to choose from a pool of men selected by her father, as woman don't understand how to interpret male intentions.

The book obviously belongs to another time (being written in the 1500's), but it's interesting that the issue sticks around. It's also worth noting that she was 16, if I recall correctly, which would be a pretty typical (even if a bit on the youngish side) age for a well-bred young woman to be married.

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