US Politics & Religion in the future

Well here’s a thought. I’m in my 50s , so at this point I’ve worked it out that all my friends are atheist or not particularly religious in any way. My family are all atheist too. The one thing we have in common is that we are all conservatives. I’m white but a good majority of my friends are Asian or Hispanic and also conservatives. When we talk about these topics we tend to steer to theists being the problem, and not so much Trump supporters, since we all voted republican last election. First and foremost we are conservatives and we don’t care for lefts message. I don’t know anyone who’s a white supremacy advocate or any of the other things the news says. Not that they don’t exist somewhere, but I think it’s mostly hyperbole.

I live in a very rural area and commute 50 miles to one of the largest city’s in the US, so location and social diversity is not blinding my observations.

I don’t hang around churches or religious folk, so the fact that I’m not seeing it may be just that. I also know that people I work with or am forced to associate with professionally, many are very religious and have some odd opinions, but they are Democrats.

Whatever all that means I’m not sure, but to blame it on a specific president is a stretch. People become the way they are over years and in my experience the worse of those people are because of some sort of religious indoctrination that went bad. Not just Christians, but any of the bunch.

/r/atheism Thread