262 words Gaijin hunting Asian women and Asian American feminist make the worst mothers in the world? 293 words I want to tell you guys something. 165 words [r/rant] Asians 205 words There are 300,000 more never married Asian men than Asian women in the US despite there being 900,000 more Asian women in general. Current white/asian hapa population in the US is over 2 million. 80 words A little Rant 160 words Is there anywhere in Asia where white guys DON'T exist? 213 words Typical white males getting exposed on youtube. 394 words How come the hapa beauty myth 493 words We're hateful neckbeards apparently 614 words ‘America’ as desire and violence: Americanization in postwar Japan and Asia during the Cold War 408 words Rant: I hate my culture, but to be honest I hate all cultures just as much 222 words Went on a date with a self-hating Gay Asian. I feel like crying. 234 words Candid Answers from "Western" (White Australian) Males about What They Think of Asian Females 174 words Hawaiian woman, Annaliese Nielsen, gets her Lyft driver fired for having a hula girl bobblehead. Is she WMAF hapa? 189 words I'm dating an Asian chick - whats wrong with that? 186 words long-term solution to common hapa issues? 212 words Is my non-hatred filled experience as an WMAF halfie unique? 350 words How will hapa/Asians be treated when USA is Latino majority? 443 words What is it about AMWF couples that make kids more successful? 322 words Does this sub hate Indians? Because I'm thinking of leaving.