I want to tell you guys something.

I think identifying with the white side is a perfectly natural process for hapas, patrilineage social norm and European surname aside, the other factor here is inferiority complex and what I'd call "zeal of the converts" in the sense that the more marginalised a minority is within a community, the more likely that person is going to go out of their way to have something to prove that he/she "belongs".

I went through that phase as a teen. And lucky for me it was largely internal and not part of any online community. As much as I hate the Alt-Right Hapas, if I try to imagine myself in their shoes, I could see how if that teenage me, full of weird ideas, and wanting to prove I'm ultra-white ultra-American had easy access to the same online communities that young Hapas today do, how easy I could have been sucked in. Filled with pseudo-intellectual arguments and a tribe to deepen those passing beliefs. What was just a passing phase for me, becomes the political identity of young Hapa boys today with access to Reddit, Twitter, 4chan. So much of the internet's hot spots for young males have been colonized by the Alt-Right, you don't have to find them, they find you. And what better movement for a Half White who wants to prove hes a super-patriot, super-white, super-American. I guess I'm lucky that for me in the early 2000s the internet was mostly a 1-way street of me reading text on the screen and not as social a community, where you can fall in with the wrong crowds.

On some level these Alt-Right Whasians just make me angry. But I'll try to remember "there but for the grace of Web 2.0 goes I".

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