Is my non-hatred filled experience as an WMAF halfie unique?

Hello all. I'm a full Asian female. Chinese, born and raised in US. I have the complete experience of the Asian American male - seen as inherently inferior, rejected, thrown away, bullied. Therapists judge me and traumatize me. In school, all classmates bully me, and when I tell the instructors, they bully me even more. The workplace is terror for me - I'm always blamed, put down, laughed at, and scapegoated. It's unfair, condescending treatment everyday. Everywhere I go, I'm judged and looked down on. People completely disregard that I'm completely American, and I've only read in English my whole life. Like most ABCs, my Chinese is very poor. I've only consumed American media, movies, newspapers, books and websites my whole life. I'm culturally American. Yet people only see me as the worst type of Asian - backwards, dowdy, nerdy, traditional, scared. They never let it go, no matter how many times I prove it to the contrary.

Over the years, I've never met or come across other Asian American women who are as looked down on, bullied, stereotyped, and excluded as severely as I am. That seems to be a male thing. The few friends I've had were male. My experience as an outcast Asian American female must be very unique.

/r/hapas Thread