Candid Answers from "Western" (White Australian) Males about What They Think of Asian Females

It changes drastically after drinking beer or interviews are done at the bar or locker room.

There are a lot of good decent guys but it isn't difficult to run into bad ones.

It also depends heavily on who you meet also. A lot of these guys looks like young early 20ish college kids.

If you go talk to some of the GI guys going to Asia, they will straight out say, I want to see "Korean girls counting coins with their pussy"

If you go talk to ESL teacher, some of them will just right out say, "I am coming here drink and get laid". No opinions of the girls either. Simple and straight forward.

The most fascinating examples can be found in Arts and Music field.

This is girl used to be a guy.

Swear to God, he fucked more Asian girls than all of hapas+Asian's combined even after sex change. I am fucking surprised, all Gay musicians and painter dudes in NYC don't have hapa children.

Penis is not a minimum requirements to fuck Asian girls.

Yup, they are fucking patriarchy really hard. More than you can imagine.

This is 21st century. Please live in now, please.

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