183 words I was DISGUSTED by the PATHETIC, NON-TACTICAL players in the SEASON 1 TRAILER, running around like SKILL-LESS IDIOTS, so I made a more ACCURATE, more TACTICAL season 1 trailer, for the CULTURED STRATEGIST such as MYSELF 132 words "iTs ImPoSsIbLe To JuMp In ThIs GaMe!1!" 216 words Picked up somebody's snakeshot .357 .... my god 195 words Since we have Crash comming, I got my nostalgic "CoD4 ProMod" loadout ready. Can't wait to try it out and rush A side again. 233 words This man hit me with a 200 IQ play.. I'm not even mad. 490 words The hacks are real! IW should address this ASAP before it gets worse 244 words How about a little compromise? 145 words DrDisrispect summarizes the feeling of playing MW right now 123 words I’m sorry to say this, but this sub is boring. 151 words DrDisrispect summarizes the feeling of playing MW right now 196 words DrDisrispect summarizes the feeling of playing MW right now 182 words PSA: no PC crashes in 720p 126 words The Nuke with Nightvision 178 words I really feel like some of us are playing a different game than the rest of this subreddit 141 words Dunno if you guys play TDM, or FFA but this is so incredibly true that it hurts. 206 words I have a theory: Something fishy is going on. This game does a bit *more* than pair you with similarly-skilled players to get your K:D to 1.0 187 words This felt so good. 166 words Infinity Ward, can we please remove or at the very least tone down the skill based matchmaking? 156 words Anybody else just really like the game? 357 words User Meta Critic Score *spoilers if you haven’t finished the game*